Best Pets on the Web

Pet's With Fur

Dogs and cats, and for some people rabbits, ferrets and other pets with fur are a large part of the day to day life for so many of us. For some people they become members of the family. 

They give us joy, companionship and comfort while asking for very little in return.

So here's our section dedicated to all our furbabies.

Cat plays the Piano

An original piece of wonderful music made by this cat.

Piano Cat


Posted by Francesco Taskayali on Thursday, January 21, 2016

Kitten playing

This cat is at one with its internal clock.

Coucou !

Plus de vidéos ➡ Spi0n

Posted by Spi0n on Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Funny Dog Videos Compilation

Dogs always put a smile on our faces by either being cute, comforting us or in this case being funny

Cats Meeting Puppies for the First Time

 Cats and dogs often become best of friends, but it doesn't always start out that way.


Cat & Owl Fum and Gebra

 An unexpected friendship between a cat and an owl.