Eight Tips For Caring For Your Pet This Winter

Eight Tips for Caring for your pet this witner

Across Norther America and Europe, winter conditions can vary widely. However, there are some basic tips and guidelines to help keep your cat or dog safe and comfortable through the winter months.

The 8 Tips For Caring For Your Pet This Winter article from PetMD.com has some good advice on what to do and what not to do to keep your furry friend comfortable during the winter months.

Even if your dog or cat is used to being outdoors, it's a good idea to watch for sudden changes in temperature and make sure they are indoors at night.

Plenty of fresh water (running water when their outside for long periods) helps them stay hydrated, and some extra food doesn't hurt either as their bodies are burning more energy in the winter months to stay warm.

Our girl Bella (in the picture) had never been outdoors in the winter when she came to live with us. In fact, she hadn't spent much time outdoors at all. Her pads were very soft, and even walking on a bit of gravel caused her discomfort. We bought her booties that matched her jacket, and make sure that she is not outside longer than she feels comfortable. 

The booties don't just help keep her feet warm, but they help protect from gravel, salt and other chemicals that get stuck in the snow.